Welcome to our
history quiz... |
This region is one of the most
important parts of the modem worlds history and this quiz is
to find out just how much you know about it. There are 3
options for this quiz, the most questions are on De Old
Crumbly Quiz, the least amount of questions being De La
Right Wacker Quiz. The quizzes will test
your regional history to the full and all the information or
links to the information can be found on
Southport Reporter and Mersey Reporter. This is a
fun quiz to help you learn and discover more. Enjoy,
and good luck! |
Scoreboard |
Quiz Level |
Place |
Score |
Name |
Date |
De Old Crumbly
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
Teen Scally Quiz
Place |
Score |
Name |
Date |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
La Right Wacker Quiz
Place |
Score |
Name |
Date |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
- De
Old Crumbly Quiz...
Test your little grey cells.! |
only there are 100 questions
awaiting you. All intended to interrogate your mind and
see just how much you really know. This is only recommended
if you are a know it all or you have swotted before you
start. You get a choice of 3 answers and your
score is added up as you go along. At the end you will
be given your score and who knows... you might be added to
the latest top 3 names. |
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- Teen
Scally Quiz...
If a teenager can do it, you can..! |
50 taxing
questions awaiting you. Learn them and you are half way to being a know it all... You get a choice of
3 answers and your score is added up as you go along.
At the end you will be given your score and who knows... you
might be added to the latest top 3 names. |
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La Right Wacker Quiz...
25 questions
awaiting you on this option. This is the
easy peasy, lemon squeezy, quiz, but will give
you a taste of the other 75 questions. You get a choice of 3
answers and your score is added up as you go along. At
the end you will be given your score and who knows... you
might be added to the latest top 3 names for this quiz! |
Go on... Have a go...!
. |
Questions and
Design Patrick Trollope, Quiz Programming Dave Laurie,
Research Eric Lion-Taylor and Alexia Woody. |